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Welcome to the documentation for cargo-sanitize

Documentation for the cargo-sanitize program


The cargo-sanitize program removes custom paths / sources from dependencies in your Cargo.toml file (i.e. those pointing to git repositories or local paths). It is intended to provide a super lightweight version of the transformation that cargo publish does to your Cargo.toml file before publishing to


To use cargo-sanitize, you simply pass the executable your current Cargo.toml file. If you provide no output path, the new Cargo.toml contents will be written directly to stdout. Alternatively, you can provide the new file path with the -o option. A standard invocation might look like:

cargo-sanitize -i Cargo.toml.orig > Cargo.toml

Here, we are assuming that you have already copied your "source" Cargo.toml to the file Cargo.toml.orig, and this command will then write the sanitized version to the path Cargo.toml.


cargo-sanitize provides the optional validate_crates feature. This feature will query the cargo registry for the dependencies listed in your Cargo.toml, and will succeed only if there is a compatible version of each declared dependency present in the registry (compatibility is determined via the semver crate).

This can ensure that, e.g. if you are relying on a local path at a particular version, that version (or a compatible one) is also available downstream in the official registry.

If you install cargo-sanitize with this feature, then you can use the --validate-type option to validate either (1) all of the dependencies (by passing --validate-type all) or (2) only the dependencies that are rewritten (by passing --validate-type rewritten). Note: Even if you enable this feature, the default value for the --validate-type option is none, which will not perform validation. This behavior is designed so that cargo-sanitize need not require network access by default to sanitize the input Cargo.toml file.

The functionality provided by cargo-sanitize is very tightly-scoped. Related (and more general) functionality is provided by the cargo publish and cargo package comamnds. Specifically, the sole purpose of cargo-sanitize is to rewrite your Cargo.toml file so that no dependencies absent from the downstream registry (i.e. are present.

  • It does not attempt to build your project. If your requirements are not properly constrained by the stated version of the dependenices it is possible that moving from the path dependency to the registry dependency could break the build. Note: cargo-sanitize can "nominally" verify version constraints, and as long as your application abides by these, this should not be a problem.

  • It does not attempt to "normalize" or re-organize your Cargo.toml file in any way. Specifically, cargo-sanitize relies on the toml_edit crate, and so, apart from the removal of path dependencies, it attempts to retain the original formatting of the Cargo.toml file as much as possible.

  • It does not inspect or touch any other files in your project. It will not attempt to create a package of your project (either as a tarball or a .crate file). It will not read or write other files in your project directory or workspace. It can be used to only sanitize the Cargo.toml file --- of course, this means it is the only thing that it can do.

  • It can work in a completely offline mode; rewriting the Cargo.toml file without any access to the network. Of course, in this case, there is no validation performed that the rewritten dependencies exist in the downstream registry, and you are therefore entirely responsible for guaranteeing that yourself.

If you are looking to do more than to simply sanitize your Cargo.toml file, and are looking for more robust or fully-fledged functionality, then you are likely interested in the the cargo publish or cargo package comamnds.