Welcome to CSE373! From this course website, you will be able to download homework assignments, read about course policies and administrative details, and see a tentative schedule of topics to be covered this semester. While we will do our best to keep the webpage up to date, the official venue for course announcements will be the Piazza page. Please sign up for the CSE/MAT 373 Piazza course page. The course page will also act as a forum for students to discuss the course material with each other, as well as to ask questions of the instructor and teaching assistants. However, please note that the fact that Piazza is available 24/7 does not mean that it will be constantly monitored, or that you should expect an immediate response to a question; we will do our best.

We will follow the required text, Algorithm Design by Kleinberg and Tardos, quite closely in the course, though I don’t intend to cover everything in the book. Apart from attending the lectures and working hard on the problem sets, one of the best things you can probably do to succeed in this course is to read the book (it’s a good and approachable algorithms text). I expect most of the lectures given in the course to be ``chalk talks’’ (i.e., they will consist of me writing the relevant material on the blackboard). This is how I learned algorithms, this is how they teach Introduction to Algorithms at MIT — one of my favorite variants of an algorithms course — and this is how I intend to lecture. However, I realize that some students may prefer slides to help them follow along. In this case, I recommend the official slides from the text, which are not bad.

Finally, the Piazza forum is meant to be a resource for everyone in the course, and we request that you keep all interactions cordial and appropriate. Specifically, we will adopt the following code of conduct (initial violations will result in a warning, and subsequent violations will result in use of the ``ban hammer’’). The following policy is adopted from codeofconduct.com; original source and credit: http://2012.jsconf.us/#/about & The Ada Initiative

Harassment includes offensive verbal or written comments related to perceived intelligence or ability, gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, technology choices, sexual images in public spaces and deliberate intimidation. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the course organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the forum. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of course staff immediately.